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Purpose Driven Conference 2017  |  Logo & Landing page

Purpose Driven Conference 2017  |  Postcard

Purpose Driven Conference 2017  |  Stand-up Banner


CHALLENGE: While the Purpose Driven brand has enjoyed tremendous growth over the last two decades and continues to exercise its influence among evangelical church leadership, it has also seen declining influence with millennial leadership.


SOLUTION: After several rounds of testing a conceptual interpretation of the phrase "hope renewed," we decided to move away from the conceptual and steer toward an overall mood that would draw in attendees of all generations.  This would be expressed through colors, images, and fonts to be employed at the event in points of entry and walkways throughout the event facility.


With that in mind, I chose to use vintage lighting solutions to create a timeless mood that would draw in attendees from millennials to boomers.


After many weeks working on the creative design, I was made aware that Purpose Driven had an existing relationship with another design agency, and this existing relationship meant my design would not be chosen for the project.  Nonetheless, I was grateful to have been contacted and look forward to serving again if given the opportunity.


When coming in as an outsider into a healthy organization with longstanding relationships, navigating the political landscape of relationships takes more work than executing good design and compelling copy, it takes a social intelligence to push for the common good more than expression of the creative ego, listening skills over the desire to exercise expertise, and vision that is larger than one's personal or creative legacy. You must be willing to share turf, rather than own turf. To take smaller wins together, rather than (perceived) larger wins on your own. And finally, one must realize that winning the immediate battle does not always translate into winning the war. Seek first to understand, and at the appropriate time, to be understood.


NEXT STEPS: If you are an organizational leader with a mandate to increase your reach or effectiveness in communication, I strongly encourage you to reach out and make contact for your next endeavor. Whether your need lies within core brand strategy, web development, email design, video production, photography, social media deployment or print collateral, I can fill the bill.

"When coming in as an outsider into a healthy organization with longstanding relationships, navigating the political landscape of relationships takes more work than executing good design and compelling copy, it takes a social intelligence to push for the common good more than expression of the creative ego, listening skills over the desire to exercise expertise, and vision that is larger than one's personal or creative legacy. You must be willing to share turf, rather than own turf. To take smaller wins together, rather than (perceived) larger wins on your own. And finally, one must realize that winning the immediate battle does not always translate into winning the war. Seek first to understand, and at the appropriate time, to be understood."
— Keith Locke
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