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Church Multiplication Network Logo Refresh

Church Multiplication Network "Go" Campaign web & print

CHALLENGE: Steve Pike had a mission. To recruit, resource and replenish the church planting pool of the Assemblies of God. The Church Multiplication Network which he led the marketing charge for, needed a new campaign to inspire that recruitment. Well, as the old Honda ads said, 'the fit is go'.
SOLUTION: I sat down with Steve's team over coffee with notepads and scribbled ideas for a new magazine to promote the network and had an immediate connect. While exploring multiple options, there was one concept that seemed to rise to the top, capturing the urgency of the need for more church planters rested within Jesus' simple command to "go" and make disciples. "Go."
Having decided on the concept, what we needed was an unfamiliar visual context for communicating a very familiar command to 'go'.
The fit, turned out to be 'vintage'. In this case, 'old is the new' new.
The critical factor was not to deliver a design loaded with tired/overused stock photography while staying within a conservative photo budget.
With that in mind, I set out to acquire a vast archive of vintage imagery after making a pitch from one primary lead photo. The rest as they say, is history.
The concept went over well and received critical acclaim from the AG Denominational leadership, as well as the likes of Pastor Mark Batterson of National Community Church, and a handful of other prominent organizational leaders.
Not only did that first contract wrap well, but it precipitated an ongoing contract to evolve their brand that we were engaged for over several years, making further use of the vintage photography as a means of reinventing the leadership brand.
Eventually, as leadership changed hands, we stayed on board for the first year transitioning the look while still building on the brand identity we had been able to redefine, before eventually following Steve Pike on his journey to launch Urban Islands Project.
See the Magazine concept
that started it all by
clicking the following graphic.
NEXT STEPS: If you are an organizational leader with a mandate to increase your reach or effectiveness in communication, I strongly encourage you to reach out and make contact for your next endeavor. Whether your need lies within core brand strategy, web development, email design, video production, photography, social media deployment or print collateral, I can fill the bill.
The Church Multiplication Network of the Assemblies of God provides the connection point to one of the most diverse church planting networks in the country. 

Church Multiplication Network "Essential" Campaign for their church planting bootcamp - web & print

Church Multiplication Network Exponential Conference booth design

Church Multiplication Network "Essential" Campaign first concepts

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