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Convoy of Hope - One Day to Feed the World

Brand Identity, Design System & Message Package

CHALLENGE: Convoy of Hope and the Assemblies of God have had a long-standing relationship, and Assemblies of God World Missions wanted to take that relationship a step further by partnering with Convoy on their One Day feeding program.
They also needed a way to leverage their world missions brand identity with Convoy of Hope to provide an easier connect for their world missions donors without overpowering the One Day brand..
SOLUTION: In 2008, Keith Locke was engaged to develop this brand in the absence of our mutual friend Matt Key, who had handled the Convoy and World Mission brand with such delicate and expert care up until his tragic passing.
Having had the honor of working at Matt's side for years, his friend and mentor, Hal Donaldson of Convoy of Hope, contracted me to come to the table.
What ensued, was a relationship that would carry on for years to follow, and we have been honored to have served in Matt's 'creative wake'.
One Day to Feed the World is Convoy of Hope’s annual campaign that ha been transforming the lives of children and families throughout the world for over a decade now.
By taking part in One Day to Feed the World individuals have assisted in transforming the lives of children by helping provide healthy living through nutritious food, clean and safe drinking water and much more by working one day and giving that day's wage to change the lives for one child!
You can learn more about Convoy of Hope and their One Day feeding program at
NEXT STEPS: If you are an organizational leader with a mandate to increase your reach or effectiveness in communication, I strongly encourage you to reach out and make contact for your next endeavor. Whether your need lies within core brand strategy, web development, email design, video production, photography, social media deployment or print collateral, I can fill the bill.
"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one."
– Mother Teresa
"Do for one, what you wish you could do for everybody."
– Andy Stanley
And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward."
– Jesus Christ

Convoy of Hope - One Day to Feed the World

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