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CHALLENGE: Just 2 years into the Assemblies of God church resource launch of My Healthy Church, their brand was floundering. The organization had never effectively communicated their brand promise to their core audience in a way that could engender brand curiosity, let alone loyalty. With an initial creative exploratory that carried a medical theme, it left the brand feeling clinical and stale rather than healthy, with no ‘heart’ behind their heart.



Curiously, the Assemblies first contacted us with a spec request. In almost every case, we tend to avoid spec work out of respect for the industry, but with all that was suspected could be at stake, we pulled a weekend warrior special that in the end, won a year-long contract and then some, with working relationships and projects that continue to this day.



SOLUTION: Internally, I knew we had to sell a certain amount of ‘cool factor’ and ‘vibe’ that had never been delivered to their executive wing for this particular brand. Something that would make them proud enough to ‘tattoo’ their young brand with pride.



Externally, we knew we had to land in a safe creative space, yet be bold enough to inspire a resource-fatigued audience to ‘buy-in’.



What began from a somewhat bottom-up path on their church resource brand as contract work on their highest profile projects, resulted in planting us squarely in the executive team working top-down brand development and a path toward deployment across all product and ministry brands represented by the Assemblies which you can find represented additionally in our 'Assemblies of God' portfolio profile.



From a denominational logo redesign to department-wide re-brand, product launches, package design, and their 2014 General Council event and exhibit hall branding, we covered it all. Well, mostly.  😉



Within 2 years, My Healthy Church was successfully repositioned as a market leader in resourcing the church in the U.S. with unprecedented growth during a period of decline by other denominational brands such as Lifeway and Family Christian.



NEXT STEPS: If you are an organizational leader with a mandate to increase your reach or effectiveness in communication, I strongly encourage you to reach out and make contact for your next endeavor. Whether your need lies within core brand strategy, web development, email design, video production, photography, social media deployment or print collateral, I can fill the bill.



Booth Video for My Healthy Church

Brand Story Video for My Healthy Church

My Healthy Church  |  Brand-building Resource Ads

My Healthy Church  |  "Healthy" Concept Branding Ads

My Healthy Church  |  "Healthy Leadership" Branding Ads

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