GAXSYS Past-performance of low-risk High-frequency Trading algorithm
The ability to create profits inside the world of defi is one of the main differentiators between failure and success. XETA Capital's partnership with Gaxsys is what allows those profits and value to be passed on to end-users, utilizing blockchain technology.
“While past performance does not guarantee future performance, Gaxsys has provided a small historical snapshot of the performance of one of their low-risk HFT algorithms to give a small taste of how they've previously performed.”
In this report, we unveil the past performance of Gaxsys' low-risk High-Frequency Trading algorithms. It is this algorithm that makes up the building blocks behind the HFT services that are being utilized to trade the XETA Capital Fund, as well as provide the financial service when it is ready, available at 75 XŌNs (10 $XETA tokens = 1 XŌN), coming soon.
Low-Risk HFT Report - By the Numbers
The details below are data from November 5th, 2021 - June 10th, 2022. This is using one of Gaxsys' trading algorithms that trade Gold futures.
This is the latest low-risk model, which is currently the model that is trading on the XETA Capital Fund account with the first withdrawal of presale funds.
Here is some data for this trading session of a little over seven months:
Opening Balance: $146,398.20
Total Deposits: $365,005.87
Gross Profit: $2,073,875.17
Net Profit: $1,576,190.39
Daily Gain: 1.20%
Monthly Gain: 44.69%
Yearly Gain if Compounded: 2,251.77%
Actual Gain: 557.83%
As a reminder, this is one of Gaxsys' low-risk models. This is also only a little over seven months of trading, not an entire year.
This low-risk algorithm is currently being used as part of the allocation of the XETA Capital Fund, invested by Gaxsys. It will also be included as one of the risk management algorithms behind the HFT financial service, which unlocks for community members in the coming weeks, once they've reached 75 XŌNs.
* Please note: Past performance does not indicate, nor guarantee future performance. The numbers shown here are not a guarantee of profits or profitability and are simply a historical performance record from November 2021 - June 2022.